Thursday, February 15, 2024

A Few Updates

A few quick updates....

Tuesday 13th February
Greenside, Ryton

40: Collared Dove

Osborne House, Wallsend

41: Ring-necked Parakeet ~ lifer no. 236 😄

I was unloading the car at Osborne House, North Terrace (opposite Burnside High School) as I had a few things for my ex-husband. As I did so I suddenly heard calls I didn't recognise and upon looking up was thrilled to see 8 Ring-necked Parakeets flying overhead in rapid flight. I've wanted to see these birds for years - ever since they reached Tyneside - so my excitement was THROUGH THE ROOF!!!!!!!!! :LOL: In the coming weeks I'll explore more places on North Tyneside in the hope of finding them again and getting some sketches and photos.

Thursday 15th February
Riversdale Court, Choppington

42: Greylag Goose

I was pottering around the communal garden checking my plants when 47 Greylag Geese flew overhead in V formation and honking loudly. I've seen these guys regularly ever since moving into the building in August but this is the biggest flock yet. Heading in the direction of the river Wansbeck just a few streets away. 

 Wallington Hall....

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

A Delayed Start

I really need to STOP making plans cos something always pops up to nobble them!  

It is Wednesday 31st January (where HAS the month got to???) and today was my first chance to actually dust off the bins and get outdoors...albeit at the very late start time of 2pm! This past few weeks has been just one thing after another with work and at times my work life balance has been waaaay off kilter.....and I've noticed it this past week as I've been like a moody bad-tempered teenager. At first I thought I was just getting to that funny stage in my life but's lack of nature and fresh air and open spaces - the lack of which is no good for anyone! So it was out for a couple of hours birding in the fresh (aka strong winds and rain!) air and it certainly worked as I felt a million times better afterwards :giggle:

So to start off my birding list for 2024 it was a quick pop up the road to Cresswell Pond for me and the ex-hubby.

1: Feral Pigeon
2: Jackdaw
3: Herring Gull
4: Wood Pigeon
5: Common Gull
6: Shelduck
7: Pheasant
8: Carrion Crow (no sign of the Hoodie tho')
9: Mallard
10: Teal
11: Robin
12: Moorhen
13: Grey Heron
14: Whooper Swan ~ 8 (4ad, 4juv)
15: Gadwall
16: Little Grebe
17: Tufted Duck
18: Red-breasted Merganser ~ a single male
19: Redshank
20: Lapwing
21: Goldeneye
22: Black-headed Gull
23: Oystercatcher
24: Kestrel ~ very soggy & windblown male perched on telegraph pole at entrance to reserve
25: Eider ~ a few offshore on sea

Pics to follow once I suss out how to load them onto computer!  


First post

Well.....I eventually made a start on doing a wildlife blog LOL  

I've been a keen reader and follower of a number of natural history blogs for many years and kept meaning to do my own. In fact, I DID have a blog for a short while when I was living in Alnwick and had my allotment which I soon turned into a bit of a wildlife garden with lots of flowers and habitats for nature. Sadly I gave up my allotment in March 2022 as so much was going on in my personal life that I just didn't have any spare time to keep it tidy and the local council forced me to give it up.

In the following months up until December 2023 I then went through losing a job I loved, the breakdown of my 20-year marriage and then moving to a completely different area of Northumberland for work.  I finally moved to my current address on December 11th 2023 - the third house move in 18 months!!!  

But now I can start to enjoy this new chapter in my life and do all the things I wanted to do for so many years. Most of this is going to be getting back outdoors a lot more as I've come to realise how much I miss birding and observing nature throughout the year.....and how necessary it is for my mental health!  I know everyone throws those two words about willy-nilly but I've noticed how much I have changed as my life has become more stressful with work and not being able to get outdoors ~ grumpy, not sleeping very well, mood swings, forgetfulness etc etc ~ and I really DON'T like this Gill one little bit!!!  I want the old happy, positive Gill back!   

So my two aims this year are to get out every day if possible (but not putting pressure on myself if I cannot) and to spend more time gardening and getting my hands in the soil again. I've been told I can do what I want with the communal garden we have in this building as nobody else is interested in gardening (???) so I'm full of plans to have as much wildlife friendly habitat as possible.  It'll be interesting to see what is around and what turns up once I plant flowers and plants to attract them.